19 Mar More Benefits from Hiring a Design-Build Firm in Puerto Rico (Part 2)
We recently highlighted 5 awesome benefits of partnering with a reliable Design-Build company in Puerto Rico, poised as a far superior approach for projects of any size. Under the Design-Build approach, the owner has the opportunity to reduce the project-based risk and concentrate on the project criteria (the concept for the facility he needs), while we become responsible for the delivery. During this stage, if the owner wishes, DDD helps the owner to asses and create a clear and concise project design criteria. DDD then becomes fully engaged in project coordination, constructability, and delivery under one established budget. It has proven particularly useful for construction projects in Puerto Rico, where changes in permitting and codes, as well as budget constraints, can quickly hinder the performance of your building team. Here are 5 more benefits of trusting your project needs to a design-Build firm:
1. Professional guides
We have all heard the stories of design and construction getting out of hand and messy. However, as we’ve come to experience at DDD Group, design and construction should not be chaotic or stressful. The design-builder acts as a trusted advisor to owners throughout the construction process, guiding the way to the best possible outcome. Design-build refines a process from beginning to end and manages the chaos into orderly steps.
2. Innovating through collaboration
The design-build approach cuts out the big egos so common in the design industry. In design-build, the owner retains total control over the project, and the team is there to empower and collaborate with them. The design-build team and the owner are in this together, and they have the same goal – to complete a successful project that meets or exceeds the owner’s expectations. When teams encounter challenges on a project (and there are always challenges), pointing fingers is not an option. Instead, everyone rolls up their sleeves and works on solutions together. Meanwhile, Design-build operates under the assumption that the owner actually wants to be an active participant in the design and construction of their building. By being involved in the process, owners can guarantee that their goals will be accomplished and that their wishes will be achieved. Such involvement gives owners a lasting sense of pride in their building.
3. Unmatched transparency
The Design-build method contributes significantly to open, honest, and frequent communication because owners understand the process and know what is going on at all times. The best partnerships work not because people say what everyone wants to hear, but because they say what everyone needs to hear. Through clear communication, the budget is defined early on, and it becomes the agreement for the entire project.
4. Time Savings
Design and construction involves managing hundreds of timelines that need to coordinate in lockstep. Design-build creates opportunities for owners to contemplate major decisions, ask questions, and consider their options. Anything the team can do to avoid taking steps backward is going to lead to better, faster, and more cost-effective results. The design-build system is highly adaptive and responsive in the field. Big decisions can be revisited during construction without change orders or additional fees. Although the conventional story is that making changes costs money, that is not necessarily so in design-build. A design-build firm is involved in the project from start to finish, which adds an inherent efficiency and effectiveness to the process. The chance of items being overlooked is greatly diminished.
5. Cost savings
Inherent to the design-build model is a savings of approximately 6% of the project costs. We will save the details for a future post.
If your organization is in need of detailed consulting on how to address this and other concerns, please reach out for strategic consulting from our team. Contact us: [email protected].