08 Apr Shifts in Times of Crisis: Our Thoughts on COVID-19
As a design-build firm with experience in the complexities of the field of healthcare, and an active part of our trade, DDD acknowledges the complex and vital role that healthcare workers are playing amid the coronavirus situation in Puerto Rico, as well as across the globe. That’s why we thank and salute our healthcare professionals and other essential workers helping curb the novel coronavirus situation locally, putting their lives second to the aid of others in need. Moreover, we are advocates for the observance and adherence to the measures set forth by leading government and health organizations around the globe. Here’s how DDD is helping our clients, team members and the community in general through careful management and excellence in service amid the pandemic.
Staying safe on the job
As the social distancing protocols have exacerbated, on-site safety begins off-site. At DDD, it’s always been a basic practice for our team to put safety protocols in place before stepping foot on the worksite, and we take pride in our track record of success in the implementation of strict measures. Although our new reality calls for distinct, unheard-of measures in the field, we are proud to serve as advocates for safe practices and have made it essential for all team members to observe the guidelines provided (on and off the field). Our workers’ families are our families too, and we act as such.
Granted, nothing will be as effective as staying home to slow down the spread of the virus in Puerto Rico, but your construction, design and maintenance teams at DDD (as well as all in the local industry) play a vital role in combating the pandemic. We are not just putting in place sustainable management and promoting the health of relevant – extremely necessary – structures, but also making sure that projects that will substantially contribute to the financial feasibility of new and existing projects on the island continue in development.
Staying informed
Our team is working remotely, but our tight network of professionals (across all levels) are staying on top of the latest news, developments (internal and external) and helping clients and owners navigate these changes with an elevated level of success. We want to thank everyone on the team for their support for these initiatives.
Leveraging Technology for Safety
Minimizing contact on the site has always been possible for our team and feasible for our projects, as we have aggressively invested in latest-generation technology to visualize, actively survey and monitor the progress of each phase using cutting-edge tools.
Local healthcare providers deserve our thanks (and our help)
At DDD Group, we salute and thank the brave heroes undergoing some of the most heroic tasks in the pandemic. The nurses, doctors and support staff in healthcare facilities across the country are making a heroic effort in the fight against COVID-19. They’re our family, our friends, our neighbors. Let’s thank them by making their load lighter, while helping to protect our fragile healthcare system. Whenever possible, try your hardest (and encourage others) to stay home, keep things clean and lend a hand where you can.
Despite the urgent need to get our workers back on the field to perform vital reconstruction, maintenance, and new building projects on the Island, we will only partake in these efforts as it pertains to the health of our community. We also urge our neighbors to come together in maintaining best practices for health and safety in place. It is our collective responsibility to help maintain sustainable channels for the care of patients and others affected by the virus, and our awareness and efforts as a society will go a long way in the road to stabilization. Stay up to date with the latest guidance from the CDC and local public health experts.